This course draws on the many years of experience of the STOPS Professional Special Effects Make-up Team and will provide the Training Audience with the knowledge and tools required to employ the wound kit in support of day to day training scenarios reducing those training costs and allowing high profile/final exercises to continue to be supported by Professional Special Effects Artists.
A Defense Science Board study found that 50 percent of all casualties in war occur in the first five or six significant exposures to combat operations. After these significant exposures, the rate drops to less than six percent. With that in mind, using Hyper-Realistic® training to prepare military personnel, law enforcement personnel, and 1st responders for the shock of what they will face in the execution of their duties may reduce casualties and mistakes made due to inexperience. Facing Hyper-Realistic® (simulated) scenarios allows these individuals to train and learn in a controlled setting rather than in real world situations. This is the true value of Hyper-Realistic® training: stress inoculation – against the shock of horrific wounds in chaotic situations – saves lives.
STOPS grew from San Diego’s Stu Segall Productions, which was once one of the largest independent, full-service television and movie studios in America. STOPS has combined the magic of Hollywood moviemakers with the professional knowledge of military trainers since 2002. The best illusion artists – Hollywood set designers, construction crews, actors, and special-effects technicians provide believable scenarios creating state-of-the-art, next-generation training environments found nowhere else. The STOPS techniques allow and encourage participants to willingly suspend disbelief and find themselves completely immersed in the training scenarios. All of their senses tell them, emotionally and intellectually, that the scenarios are real. It is the ultimate in Theater Immersion Training.
The two-day STOPS HRMK Basic Training Course can be conducted at the STOPS facility in San Diego, CA or at a site chosen by the Customer*. During this course the Training Audience will become familiar with the contents of the HRMK and conduct hands-on applications. Instruction on the proper care and maintenance of the silicone appliances to ensure the maximum useful life of the wound kit is achieved. Materials and supplies will be provided to each student and the possession/purchase of an HRMK is not required.
* Additional Charges May Apply
Also Available Make-Up/Moulage Advanced Course (Basic course is prerequisite to Advanced Course)
Strategic Operations Inc. offers the following training courses:
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) The Second Edition of the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) course is designed to present a strong foundation of topics, concepts, principles, and skills specific to delivering emergency medical care for patients in a civilian tactical environment.
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care for Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders (TECC-LEO) An 8-hour classroom scenario-based skills course designed explicitly for law enforcement and non-EMS first responders.
Tactical Medicine Technician (TMT) The crawl, walk, run teaching methodology will take the students from the repetitive practice of core Tactical Medicine skills through full Hyper-Realistic® stress inoculation scenarios.
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)
NAEMT's Tactical Combat Casualty Care course introduces evidence-based, life-saving techniques and strategies for providing the best trauma care on the battlefield, under the auspices of the PHTLS program. It is the only TCCC course endorsed by the American College of Surgeons.
Make-Up/Moulage Basic Course (HRMK)
Strategic Operations Inc. (STOPS) is pleased to provide instruction in the techniques of how best to safely and effectively utilize the Hyper-Realistic® Moulage Kit (HRMK) creating Hyper-Realistic wound simulations that will enhance any training scenario.
This course draws on the many years of experience of the STOPS’ Professional Special Effects Make-up Team and will provide the Training Audience with the knowledge and tools required to employ the HRMK in support of day to day training scenarios reducing those training costs and allowing high profile/final exercises to continue to be supported by Professional Special Effects Artists.
Make-Up/Moulage Advanced Course (HRMK) The two-day STOPS HRMK Advanced Training Course conducted at the STOPS facility in San Diego, CA will delve deeper into the more complex capabilities of the wound kit. This in-depth training will instruct the Training Audience in specialized techniques developed by the STOPS Make-up Team to successfully execute everything from a single casualty with multiple injuries to a mass casualty training scenario.
