Designed by surgeons, for surgeons, to teach surgeons, abdominal and thoracic ASSPs drop into the patented Cut Suit® human-worn surgical simulator (Cut Suit sold separately.)
Manufactured by Strategic Operations, Inc., the Cut Suit & ASSP combination is the world’s only Hyper-Realistic ® open surgery simulator.
ASSPs replicate various trauma and pathology scenarios, so realistic that participants willingly suspend their disbelief that they are not working on a real person. And unlike performing surgery on a real person, time out can be taken for instruction and education, and then restarted.
Mistakes could be made and taken to a point where true learning of how to recover from the mistake can be experienced, safely. The system could be paused, reset, started over, and stopped to be analyzed and reviewed for lessons learned.
Since the end of the "see one, do one, teach one" era of the "Halstead method," physicians in training have had significantly less hands-on experience in which they have been allowed to make decisions and be responsible for the consequences of those decisions. The Cut Suit & ASSP allows for that experience.
Besides improving individual surgical skills and decision making, the Cut Suit simulator enhances surgical team training just as flight simulators enhance Crew Resource Management in the airline industry.
Current trauma configurations are available (see below) and more are in development. Pathologies and custom applications are also available with a 30 day advance notice.
ASSPs are rented and shipped in returnable cases, complete with instructions, surgical blood and other components. No need for the client to repair – only ship back the ASSP in the postage pre-paid container. The customer must own or rent a Cut Suit to use the ASSP.
To discuss the ASSP and a syllabus to help enhance surgical residency training and education, please contact us.
Current Configurations
ASSP PART#: ASSP-LN Injured Lung
ASSP PART#: ASSP-LVSPBW Injured Liver, Injured Spleen, Injured Bowel
ASSP PART#: ASSP-LVSPKDILBW Injured Liver, Injured Spleen, Injured Iliac, Injured Bowel, Injured Kidney
*Please note, our products and methods may be covered by one or more of the following US Patents: 8,840,403; 9,336,693; 9,865,179; 9,916,774; 9,997,087; 10,325,524; 10,360,817; 10,360,818; 10,665,135; 10,726,743; 10,847,058, 10,977,962; 11,151,902 and US Patents Pending, as well as Foreign Patents:AU 2011271667; CA2807472; CA 2894673; DE 60 2013 049 550.5; EP2589037 (DE); EP2589037 (FR); EP2589037 (UK); EP2852941 (FR); EP2852941 (UK).
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